Friday, June 22, 2012

The subject of "stuff"

Hello and happy Friday! I hope you all have fun weekend plans ahead. I will be working some early shifts, which means I have my afternoons free. I have my mind set to getting some gardening accomplished, as well as working my way through some of my stuff. That's right, that terrifying word... STUFF.

It is a word that has been on my mind a lot lately. About twice a year, I get a familiar panicky feeling of being too overwhelmed by all the stuff in my life. I decide to go through everything I own and get rid of all the excess. And each and every time I do this, I make it through probably 20% of my things before becoming completely swamped by the enormity of it all and quit. Does this happen to the rest of you?

Enter Man Vs Debt. These people really have it down. I've been browsing around their website gathering courage. I love this quote,

"There’s nothing wrong with hanging onto sentimental items, but something needs to be done if you’re honestly trying to simplify your life because there will be memories everywhere you turn."

So many things I have been dragging around with me from state to state I really only hold on to because of sentimental ties. And because of fear. It is scary to let go, and SO much easier to just put it back in the box and put the box back in the closet. Most of these items are small, and easy to justify keeping. Until you realize you have boxes and boxes of things you never use, or even look at! All those little things add up. And when you want to travel and lead the kind of mobile life I really do want to lead, you just have to let go.

So my goal this weekend is to begin a complete overhaul of every single item I own. Sound scary? It is! But it will also be fun, and liberating. I plan to do a little each day, section by section, until I am free. The extras will move on to one of four places: Craigslist, consignment, thrift store, or trash. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Beginning

Today marks the first day of summer! Spring has gone by so quickly, and with it, a lot of projects that have been pushed to the back burner one too many times. Starting this blog, for one. So today is the day! A new beginning here, and in many other areas of my life. Here is hoping for a glorious summer for everyone. Cheers to new beginnings!