Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snowed in

Last night the wind howled around our little cabin and sent showers of icy snow to cover road. Oliver got up in the middle of the night to save the big sled we use to transport groceries when the road is out. It had blown way down the lane, but he was able to tie it down and come back to bed.

We woke up to an overload of white, coating the walls of the house and covering the alder. The wind was still blowing, but not as fiercely and some ravens were making use of the updrafts to play. One had a stick, and Oliver and I joined the two cats at the window to watch in fascination as it repeatedly dropped and retrieved it midair. The other birds joined in, swooping and diving, moving the stick from claw to beak to claw. They were so obviously playing for the fun of it. I find ravens so interesting; they can mimic human speech and have such a huge capacity for learning.  Being the dork that I am, I spent a good part of the morning looking up info on ravens and other corvids online. Later we will brave the elements and try to bust out and make our way to town. I haven’t left the cabin for going on four days now! Time to remedy that.

To the left you can see the wall made last time (yesterday!) that Oliver cleared the snow. To the right, the obliterated road.